Sarva Kastha Nivaran Pendant.


This Sampura Kasthanivaran Nivaran Yantra is useful to remove all types of problems of our life. This will remove problems any gives happy and peaceful life.



This Sampura Kasthanivaran Nivaran Yantra is useful to remove all types of problems of our life. This will remove problems any gives happy and peaceful life.


  • Destroy Negative energy and gives good fortune.
  • The worshiper to remove all obstacles
  • Provides good health, wealth and peace.
  • Bring a positivity in our mind.
  • Remove all our problems.


Mantra: (Beej Mantra)

  • “Om Aakarshay Mahadevi Ram mam Priyam Hey Tripure
    Devdeveshi Tubhyam Dasyami Yanchitam